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Basic Photography: Camera ISO

In the generation of digital photography, some terms have differed from their film days. The definition of ISO is one of them, having a different need in film photography. So what is ISO? In film, camera ISO used to refer to the light sensitivity of the type of film. The higher the ISO numbers on the film, the high its sensitivity to light. So if you plan to shoot in a dark area, go for the film number with the higher ISO. If that’s for film, what is ISO for digital cameras? It’s still relatively the same. The lower the ISO setting, the lower is its sensitivity to available light. With the higher ISO setting, pictures tend to become grainy because of the amount of light the sensor can process. You can look at other examples online for image samples for ISO settings. Cameras nowadays can have an ISO as far as 3400 or even higher, but you can compare that lower settings can give less graininess or noise in a photograph. For example, what is ISO 800 compared to ISO 100? ISO 100
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What is ISO Setting For?

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Learning the Camera ISO

In the tech world, there are a lot of terms that may just fly over your head. From .rar to .zip to even .wav, there are too many to count out. The thing here is that with tech growing as fast as it is, you have to start learning what those terms mean and why they matter to you. Basically, these are files by their own right, usually opened through the use of a separate program. But besides these extensions, there is one that irks users the most, and probably the reason why you look it up. What is camera ISO precisely? Well to learn what is ISO then you must understand its primary functions as a file. What it’s used for, as well as knowing how to use it. So the camera ISO. ISO image or International Organization for Standardization is an archived image of a disc. It is basically a non compressed batch of files contained and usually read by DVD or disc readers. To put it in simply terms, an ISO is the image of the disc file before it is a disc. It is the full digital imag

ISO: Knowing the Use of the Digital Image

Learning what is ISO is a fairly advanced step towards learning more about the digital files that may fill your computer. It’s not uncommon to think that it’s hard to get into these things, and in fact, it’s a really intimidating task set before you. But with new technology, comes new forms of storage. One of these days, simply knowing how to insert a disc won’t work anymore. So here’s a quick rundown on what you should know about ISOs. What is ISO: The basics An ISO, or an ISO image is basically what is on your disc before it is burned onto a disc. Everything that a disc has, whether a few video files separated by menus, or full installers of software, was originally in an ISO format. It’s basically an archived file, containing all the date that was supposed to go on the disc itself. It’s also in it’s digital format, which means that it is free to be manipulated an altered rather than when it is in it’s permanent state. Why learn what is ISO? Now that you understand w

Choosing the Right ISO for Digital Photography

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ISO in Concert Photography

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